About us
About us
Our Brand

This is synonymous with innovation, avant-garde and research, manufacturer of quality and safety.
Mineral Leaf derives from Philip J, a new way to effectively resolve skin and hair anomalies with targeted and versatile treatments at the same time.

Mineral Leaf is a simple method to lead the hairdresser and their employees to fulfil their customers’ needs.
Our goal to restore and maintain the physiological balance of the scalp.
Our research, our value.
The refined formulas of the line are completely green and are combined with vitalised water.
Vitalised water:
the process of vitalising water was the most important invention in the naturalistic sector of the last century.
For over 30 years, this technology has used natural energies and helps water in the self-purification process.
By using completely purified water inside the Mineral Leaf products, the effect of the active ingredient results in evident benefits, in the shortest possible time.